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Open Innovation Toolbox

Project Implementation 

In the successful implementation of the open innovation project, the reciprocal appreciation, quick interaction, adequate support of the community and finally, the fair and appropriate results adoption play a crucial role.

Special attention must be paid to professional community moderation.

Particularly crowd-sourcing projects on online and social media platforms require a dynamic and quick reaction, as well as honest appreciation of contributions.

Advice on technical, content or even communicative improvement possibilities from the community should not only be included promptly, but also implemented.

However, conditions and selection criteria should remain consistent throughout the duration of the project, even with several jury rounds, and if possible, nothing should change.

The designer competition for Moleskine can be seen as a less successful example of a crowdsourcing project (Füller 2012).

Vanhaverbeke, W. (2017): “Managing Open Innovation in SME”, Cambridge University Press, 2017

de Beer, J., McCarthy, I., Soliman, A., Treen, E. (2017): “Click here to agree: Managing intellectual property when crowdsourcing solutions”, Business Horizons, Volume 60, Issue 2, March–April 2017, Pages 207-217

Seja, c., Narten, J. (2017): “Creative Communities, Ein Erfolgsinstrument für Innovationen und Kundenbindung”, Springer Gabler, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH 2017

Gassmann, O. (2013): “Crowdsourcing. Innovationsmanagement mit Schwarmintelligenz. Interaktiv Ideen finden, kollektives Wissen effektiv nutzen. Mit Fallbeispielen und Checklisten.”, Carl Hanser Verlag München.

Donner, M. (2013) “Orientierungsrahmen für die Integration von Open Innovation im Innovationsprozess”, FH Südwestfalen (University of Applied Sciences), Bachelor Dissertation 2013

“Intellectual Property Agreement Guide IPAG”, UNIKO and ncp.ip

Füller, J., (27 June 2012): “Die Gefahren des Crowdsourcing”


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