Method Selection
Which method will be used for implementation?
Which Open Innovation method is best suited is essentially dependent on the defined objective. In doing so, it should be considered what the output of a selected method could even provide.
Depending on exactly what you need, is the knowledge
- coming to your enterprise (outside-in open innovation), or
- is it complemented with knowledge and/or technology from outside (inside-out open innovation).
Select the appropriate method depending on where you are in the innovation process:
Phase of idea generation and assessment:
- Innovation workshop with many to increase innovation potential
- Involvement of maker and use of open workshops and makerspaces
Phase of product design, prototype development and testing:
- Involvement of close customers (lead users) in early innovation phase
- Involvement of maker and use of open workshops and makerspaces
New technology and market development through licences
Which partners are accompanying the project?
The integration of external knowledge can develop the thought-horizon in the development of new solutions. Here, the interdisciplinary idea development is at the forefront.
Through the inclusion of customers, user experiences and needs are gathered directly from the market. Thus the direction and development of a solution can occur close to the market and increases the rate of success. Normally, the idea generation is implemented, contrary to continuously opening the enterprise’s boundaries, in a temporally defined framework, e.g. a competitively-similar format.
To successfully achieve the defined objective, strategic considerations must be made regarding the project partners.
- What skills does the enterprise still lack to be able to successfully develop the project?
- When selecting the partners, their added-value is relevant and the role which they have is too.
- The higher the expertise necessitated for achieving the objective, the smaller the potential participant circle. Crowd methods on the other hand, open doors to a variety of new ideas and solutions.
Successful open innovation project normally also exhibit professional process support and external consultation.
Reading tips and sources
Vanhaverbeke, W. (2017): “Managing Open Innovation in SME”, Cambridge University Press, 2017
de Beer, J., McCarthy, I., Soliman, A., Treen, E. (2017): “Click here to agree: Managing intellectual property when crowdsourcing solutions”, Business Horizons, Volume 60, Issue 2, March–April 2017, Pages 207-217
Seja, c., Narten, J. (2017): “Creative Communities, Ein Erfolgsinstrument für Innovationen und Kundenbindung”, Springer Gabler, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH 2017
Gassmann, O. (2013): “Crowdsourcing. Innovationsmanagement mit Schwarmintelligenz. Interaktiv Ideen finden, kollektives Wissen effektiv nutzen. Mit Fallbeispielen und Checklisten.”, Carl Hanser Verlag München.
“Intellectual Property Agreement Guide IPAG”, UNIKO and ncp.ip
Füller, J., (27 June 2012): “Die Gefahren des Crowdsourcing”