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About NCP-IP


The national contact point for intellectual property in open knowledge transfer

The optimal exchange of knowledge is essential to being successful among global competition. So that research results can be quickly and efficiently utilised and converted into innovations, the knowledge transfer between public research facilities, higher education institutions and the private sector must be working optimally.

The national contact point for intellectual property in open knowledge transfer (in brief: NCP-IP) was arranged by decision of federal government on 02 March 2010 on the basis of the EU IP-Recommendation in BMBWF together with the BMAW and with the BMK. The contact point coordinates knowledge transfer activities at a national level, maintains contact with other comparable facilities in the Member States and represents Austria within the corresponding European bodies.

In the operative implementation, the NCP is supported by the professional expertise of the Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH (aws) and the  Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG).

Included among the most important objectives are:

  • Professionalisation of the transfer of knowledge in Austria with the targeted reproduction of relevant knowledge and tools for intellectual property in the open transfer of knowledge
  • Revision and transfer of current developments, trends & tools, support measures and good practice examples.
  • Optimisation of the negotiating process in open knowledge transfer, e.g. through the provision of modern, annotated contract samples.
  • Support of open innovation processes with the provision of an extensive information and tool collection.
  • Extension and maintenance of networks in the IP sector in open knowledge transfer both at a national and EU level.
  • Interministerial coordination for relevant international and national initiatives/strategies and coordination of the operative implementation by the agencies

Implementation of objectives

The implementation of strategic and operative objectives of the contact point for intellectual property in open knowledge transfer (NCP-IP) occur in a series of projects and measures that are regularly evaluated and revised. Among the three most important activities of the programme are the provision of sample contracts within the framework of the IPAG, the revision of open innovation processes on an equal footing within the framework of the open innovation toolbox, as well as a series of services and events for the transfer of relevant knowledge to the community. 

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