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The national contact point for intellectual property in open knowledge transfer

Happy World IP Day!

The NCP-IP celebrated World IP Day with a brilliant World IP Day event on 25 April in the House of Industry and online. Over 100 participants from all areas of innovation protection and life sciences attended. The event was opened by Weitgruber Barbara (Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research), Henriette Spyra (Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology), Florian Frauscher (Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy) and Edeltraud Stiftinger (aws). Under this year's motto ‘Innovation drivers in the life sciences sector’, various exciting keynote speeches took place at yesterday's event:

  • aws experts Vanja Bernhauer and Angela Siegling provided insights on ‘EU recommendations for the valorisation of knowledge and their implementation in the life sciences sector’
  • Karl Gruen from Austrian Standards reported on ‘The role of standards in the life science innovation value chain and best practices’
  • Allan Hanbury from contextflow provided input on the topic of ‘Machine learning in medical technology: protection and utilisation of developments’

During the subsequent panel discussion, a stimulating exchange took place under the title ‘Life Science Innovation Protection in Collaborative RTI Ecosystems’ between Marie-Kathrin Breyer (Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Lung Health), Peter Nussbaumer (wings4innovation GmbH), Rainer Schultheis (Saphenus Medical Technology) and Bettina Resl (Novartis Austria).

You missed the event? You can watch it online: https://vimeo.com/939173275/573df4c7f1?share=copy


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We are happy to welcome you to the national online contact point for intellectual property in the open transfer of knowledge. NCIP-IP contributes significantly in making the transfer of knowledge in Austria professional with the targeted reproduction of relevant knowledge and tools for intellectual property in the open transfer of knowledge. Above all, this occurs as a result of the provision of sample contracts Intellectual Property Agreement Guide, the support of fair, open innovation processes through the Open Innovation Toolbox as well as the reproduction of intelligence and relevant knowledge within the NCP-IP events.


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