Task Definition
What is the objective to be achieved?
At the start of the project, you must define
- The problem to be solved. A clear description of the initial situation and the problem situation are required for this
- What should be achieved after the Open Innovation project
Experiences have shown that this objective can be organised into 3 areas:
- Innovation: Develop creative ideas for task
- Marketing: Generate visibility for a matter
- Personnel search: Identify creative minds
Above all, it must be considered that community building and networking present a very important objective in the digital world. The networking community can be an important starting point for your own digital business model.
Reading tips and sources
Vanhaverbeke, W. (2017): “Managing Open Innovation in SME”, Cambridge University Press, 2017
de Beer, J., McCarthy, I., Soliman, A., Treen, E. (2017): “Click here to agree: Managing intellectual property when crowdsourcing solutions”, Business Horizons, Volume 60, Issue 2, March–April 2017, Pages 207-217
Seja, c., Narten, J. (2017): “Creative Communities, Ein Erfolgsinstrument für Innovationen und Kundenbindung”, Springer Gabler, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH 2017
Gassmann, O. (2013): “Crowdsourcing. Innovationsmanagement mit Schwarmintelligenz. Interaktiv Ideen finden, kollektives Wissen effektiv nutzen. Mit Fallbeispielen und Checklisten.”, Carl Hanser Verlag München.
“Intellectual Property Agreement Guide IPAG”, UNIKO and ncp.ip
Füller, J., (27 June 2012): “Die Gefahren des Crowdsourcing”