IP Training
The protection of intangible assets is becoming of greater significance in an ever increasing digital world. Whether in a start-up, spin-off, large enterprise, as a photographer or software engineer - intellectual property arises everywhere, which needs to be secured and defended by corresponding protection rights to also make innovations economically successful. Nevertheless, you need IP skills to successfully handle IP (Intellectual Property), to strategically use intellectual property and for the targeted transfer of knowledge.
Which institutions provide further education on IP skills and at what point should skills for the use of property rights and utilisation strategies be acquired? While studying, beforehand or only when founding a spin-off or a start-up? Here you will find an overview of the current prevailing offer of further education in the field of IP skills.
The offer presented here is not complete and is subject to constant development.
Training with a graduation or certificate
- Austrian Patent Lawyers Association: Training to be Austrian Patent Attorney; Duration and cost: 5 years; diploma
- Management Center Innsbruck: Patent and Licence Management; Duration and cost: 16 days/4,490.00; certificate
- Center for International IP Studies - University of Strasbourg: IP Management; Duration and cost: 3 months /2 years/6 months 900.00/ 6,500.00/6,400.00/individual certificates, diploma through to Master MIPLM
- Johannes Kepler Universität: Multimedia Legal Studies; Cost and duration: 1-2 semesters/363.63 EUR; certificates
- Donau Universität Krems: Intellectual Property and Competition; Duration and cost: 1 semester/2,500.00 EUR; certificates
- Vienna University of Economics and Business: Lecture on Commercial Legal Protection for Technicians; Duration and cost: 1 semester/363.63 EUR; certificate/lecture certificate
- Vienna University of Economics and Business: Lecture on Copyright, Patent, Brand, Sample and Trademark Law; Duration and cost: 1 semester/363.63; lecture certificate
- Vienna University of Economics and Business: How to protect your creative work; Duration and cost:1 semester; 363.63; lecture certificate
- Vienna University of Economics and Business: Innovation and Technology Management; Duration and cost: 1 semester/363.63; lecture certificate
- Vienna University of Economic Sciences: Competition, Cartel and Intellectual Property Rights; Duration and cost: 1 semester/363.63; lecture certificate
- ETMD Education Programme EUIPO: Increase the knowledge of the legal framework of European Union trade marks and Community designs; Duration and cost: 150 hr/1,500.00; EUIPO certificate
- Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg: Industrial Property Rights; Duration and cost: 6 months/1,500.00 EUR; Completion exam with certificate
- IP for IP - Multimedia course/Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena: Industrial Property Rights; Duration and cost: 14 modules/1,990.00; 3-hour completion exam with certificate
- Hamburger Fernhochschule: Competition Rights and Industrial Property Rights; Duration and cost: 1 semester/450.00; higher education certificate with completion exam
- Centre for remote studies and further higher education: Patent and Innovation Protection; Duration and cost: 2 semesters/1,780.00 EUR; completion 1st semester as Officer, 2nd semester Manager => Certificate
- Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin; Industrial Property Rights Compact; Duration and cost: 1 semester/1,030.00; higher education certificate with completion exam
Training and seminars
- imh: Duration and cost: 1-2 days/varying
- Österreichisches Produktivitäts- und Wirtschaftlichkeits-Zentrum (ÖPWZ): Duration and cost: 1-2 days/varying
- Wifi Wien: Urheberrecht & Co: Duration and cost: 8 modules/245.00
- Aubiplus: Apprenticeship to Paralegal: Duration and cost: 1.8 years
- Forum-Institut: Industrial Property Rights: Duration and cost: 1-2 days/900.00 to 1,500.00
- Forum-Institut: IP Manager Training: Duration and cost: 5 modules/5,600.00
- ICC Austria: Duration and cost: 1 day/ 480.00
- Campus Wien Academy: Trademark Law Basics: Duration and cost: 690,00
- Campus Wien Academy: Patent Law Basics: Duration and cost: 690,00
- ARS Akademie: Patent Law in Practice: Duration and cost: 1 day/ 540.00
- ARS Akademie: Trademark Law in Practice: Duration and cost: 1 day/ 590.00
- IP Academy Patent Office: Industrial Property Rights: Duration and cost: 1-2 days/free
- IP.Courses: Industrial Property Rights: Duration and cost: 3hr/200.00 to 375.00
- Akademie Heidelberg; Basic Course: Patent Processing: Duration and cost: 1 day/ 890.00
- IHK Zentrum for further education: Protection of know-how and trade secrets in a digital age: Duration and cost: 1 day/ 330.00
- Arber seminars - Advanced solicitor training: Strictly confidential: The Secrecy Act - online: Duration and cost: 1/2 day/ 115.00
Training in innovation management
- Wirtschaftsuniversität Vienna https://www.wu.ac.at/en/programs/masters-programs/strategy-innovation-and-management-control/overview/
- Technische Universität Vienna https://cec.tuwien.ac.at/programme/business_school/professional_mba_entrepreneurship_innovation/
- FH Technikum Vienna: https://www.technikum-wien.at/studium/master/innovations__und_technologiemanagement/
- Berufsförderungsinstitut Vienna (BFI Vienna): https://www.bfi.wien/kurs/6806/wirtschaft/innovationsmanagement/innovationsmanagement
- Donau-Universität Krems (DUK): https://www.donau-uni.ac.at/de/studium/innovationsmanagement.htm
- Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt (higher education institution): http://www.fhwn.ac.at/Studium/Wirtschaft/Master/Produktmarketing-und-Innovationsmanagement
- New Design University (NDU), St. Pölten: https://www.ndu.ac.at/studium/master-studiengaenge/entrepreneurship-innovation/
- Zukunftsakademie Mostviertel, Amstetten: https://smex12-5-en-ctp.trendmicro.com:443/wis/clicktime/v1/query?url=https%3a%2f%2fwww.zukunftsakademie.or.at%2fakademische%2dlehrgaenge%2finnovationsmanagement&umid=b26ff8b5-b4b3-4c5c-b449-7b07a939b986&auth=6fdaef2aa9fd882f70743bed07d821bd1395d083-88cde88a57a0ce980d790be333205750260760d4
- TÜV Austria Akademie, Brunn am Gebirge: https://www.tuv-akademie.at/kursprogramm/detail/back/13/p/110.103/Bereich/qualitaetsmanagement/event/ausbildung-zumr-zertifizierte-fb67dc19d5.html
- Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz: http://www.uniforlife.at/de/weiterbildung/wirtschaft/
- Fachhochschule CAMPUS 02, Graz (higher education institution): https://www.campus02.at/innovationsmanagement/
- FH Oberösterreich, Wels (higher education institution): https://www.fh-ooe.at/campus-wels/studiengaenge/bachelor/innovations-und-produktmanagement/
https://www.fh-ooe.at/campus-wels/studiengaenge/master/innovation-and-product-management/ - LIMAK Austrian Business School, Linz: https://www.limak.at/programme/management-mba/mba-innovation-management/
- Salzburger Fachakademie für Management, Marketing & Design (SAFM): https://www.bildak.com/safm/safm-portfolio/zertifikats-praesenzlehrgaenge/innovationsmanagement/
- Fachhochschule Salzburg (higher education institution): https://www.fh-salzburg.ac.at/disziplinen/sozial-und-wirtschaftswissenschaften/bachelor-innovation-management-im-tourismus/beschreibung/
- MCI Management Center Innsbruck: https://www.mci.edu/de/weiterbildung/zertifikats-lehrgaenge/innovationsmanagement
- WIFI der Wirtschaftskammer Tirol, Innsbruck: https://www.tirol.wifi.at/kurs/34770x-lehrgang-innovationsmanagement
- FH Vorarlberg, Dornbirn: https://www.schlosshofen.at/bildung/wirtschaft-recht/innovation-und-produktmanagement-msc/