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New spin-off framework for Austrian universities and research institutions aims to accelerate the spin-off process

Austria's spin-off landscape is getting a boost: a new spin-off framework, developed by the company New Venture im Scouting on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) in close cooperation with various stakeholders, including universities, research institutions and spin-offs themselves, is intended to pave the way for faster and more efficient establishment of academic spin-offs.

The spin-off framework, which was developed following intensive collaboration with 47 representatives from universities, ministries, research institutions and other stakeholders, addresses key challenges in the spin-off process. The aim is to overcome previous hurdles such as individual regulations and lengthy negotiation processes and to create clear guidelines that support founders and institutions alike.

The spin-off framework should not only increase the number but also the quality of spin-offs and thus contribute to strengthening Austria's economic competitiveness. Attention has also been paid to promoting spin-offs in specialised fields and research areas that were previously less of a focus, such as the arts and humanities.

The new spin-off framework is available to download free of charge. 

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