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Open Innovation Toolbox

Adoption of Results 

In the next step, the utilisation of the project output is tackled. Ideas, solutions, results are available to the enterprise without any regulation of the property rights.

As a result, rights of use must be regulated and implementation steps as well as responsibilities must be defined. Creative idea providers would like to see their ideas implemented and depending on the interest, would like to be involved in the utilisation.

The intended scope of the necessary ownership of rights or securing of rights (exclusive/non-exclusive, markets, etc.) should already be determined in the beginning.


Compensation models

Depending on the type of challenges of the innovation initiative, agreed remunerations, e.g. cash prizes, material prizes, placements, presentation of the winner’s name or an invitation to the further development of the idea as an employee as part of the organisation shall be imminent.

Where possible, it is necessary to conclude a licensing agreement and determine the granting of rights (transfer of rights).

If with the new solution it should concern complex, technical solutions that still require further development,risk-sharing models are worth considering, such as the provision of success-dependent licence models (milestone payments, running royalties). (Details on licensing agreements, see IPAG)


Even a compensation model that is customary and both appropriate and accepted in the design and architecture sector can be promising in other sectors. This earmarks a combination of the expense allowance and implementation involvement:

From a number of submissions, the best project receives the award for implementation (commissioning) and the rights for this are completely transferred to the commissioning enterprise.

An appropriate expense allowance is provided to 2nd and 3rd place, the rights must be relinquished.

For all other submissions, the rights remain exclusively with the individual submitting or go back to them.

Vanhaverbeke, W. (2017): “Managing Open Innovation in SME”, Cambridge University Press, 2017

de Beer, J., McCarthy, I., Soliman, A., Treen, E. (2017): “Click here to agree: Managing intellectual property when crowdsourcing solutions”, Business Horizons, Volume 60, Issue 2, March–April 2017, Pages 207-217

Seja, c., Narten, J. (2017): “Creative Communities, Ein Erfolgsinstrument für Innovationen und Kundenbindung”, Springer Gabler, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH 2017

Gassmann, O. (2013): “Crowdsourcing. Innovationsmanagement mit Schwarmintelligenz. Interaktiv Ideen finden, kollektives Wissen effektiv nutzen. Mit Fallbeispielen und Checklisten.”, Carl Hanser Verlag München.

Donner, M. (2013) “Orientierungsrahmen für die Integration von Open Innovation im Innovationsprozess”, FH Südwestfalen (University of Applied Sciences), Bachelor Dissertation 2013

“Intellectual Property Agreement Guide IPAG”, UNIKO and ncp.ip

Füller, J., (27 June 2012): “Die Gefahren des Crowdsourcing”


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